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Choose to be Kind

Writer: Dr. Simon OlatunjiDr. Simon Olatunji

Daily Scripture Threshing for Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Today’s Text: Colossians 3:12-17

Key Verse: Colossians 3:12 (NLT): “Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

The God we serve is kind in every way. The Bible tells us that He is good, and He is the author and essence of kindness. His love and kindness are better than life itself. We have received so much kindness from Him that makes us so indebted. One way to repay the kindness of God that we have received has been prescribed by Psalm 107:1: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his kindness endures forever.” But another way is to be kind to others. Life is full of situations in which we have to interact with other people. In that interaction, we come into people’s real world of struggles and challenges. We have choices: to treat them with kindness, walk away unconcerned, or leave them worse.

It is not easy to choose kindness because it requires some sorts of sacrifices on us. Being kind to others often requires us to put aside our own needs, interests and feelings — sometimes, we got be totally humble ourselves, give up our ego and be rid of our pride, which our generation really hates to do. There is so much to being kind. Mostly, a kind person, in an ungrateful generation, comes home with regrets. He may have to grapple with a sense of lost times and energy. However, God wants us to always choose the way of kindness regardless. He commands us to love others as ourselves. Whatever kindness takes — even when it is not valued or appreciated by the recipients — we must always give it from a genuine heart of love for God and others. Today’s scripture puts it upon us as a “must do.” Why? We belong to one another as co-redeemed by the same blood, and chosen by the same grace, into one body of Christ. We are called to be kind, gentle, and loving to one another.

Quote for the Day: “Kindness is not an action but a life. It is not what others deserve; but what you must observe; not what you do, but who you are. (Simon Olatunji)

Prayer: Dear Lord, please give me the strength that I need to be kind in all that I do. Help me to open my arms to those less opportune and extend my hands to those who may need them, so that they may see You in my kind words and actions — in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

With all my love and prayers,

Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, Ph.D.

Your Darling Bishop (DaBishop)

For further inquiry and free spiritual help, visit or write:

The Darling Pastor,

2321 S Belt Line Rd., Suite 144,

Grand Prairie TX 75051 USA

+1 (407) 360-8280; (817) 822-8441

[Daily Scripture Threshing is a devotional guide of The House of Prayer Evangel Church USA distributed for free use by individuals, small groups, families, and Christian churches]

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