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Writer's pictureDr. Simon Olatunji

Desist from Deceit

Daily Scripture Threshing for Thursday, October 17, 2024

Today’s Text: Psalm 101:1-8

Key Verse: Psalm 101:7 (ESV): "No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes."

Have you carefully considered Psalm 101? It is such a powerful depiction of the man dressed in double dresses: one single man, two characters. But David, in this royal psalm, declares his personal commitment to integrity, justice and righteousness in his reign. He affirms a position guided by spiritual or divine conviction that no one who practices deceit shall dwell in his house; nor anyone who tells lies stand in his presence.

If anyone who does perversities, twisted things or twists things faces exclusion from the king's presence and court; then how many of us today shall qualify to stand before the just king of heaven? Imagine when the Bible says he who tells lies shall not stand before him, when as a matter of fact, we'd ever stand upon God's holy alter dressed with clerical and ecclesiastical garments of deceit.

As a prophetic caution, David emphasizes the seriousness of dishonesty. He wants us to beware that anyone who stands in God's presence with deception stands in prospect of complete rejection. Integrity, honesty and truthfulness are key cultures in/of the royal court. And not only are manipulation and dishonesty unacceptable before God, all God's men, like David, must vow to exclude those who practice such from ministering in His presence. As a leader of God's people, David recognizes his responsibility and accountability to uphold justice, righteousness and set a high moral standard for himself and for others in positions of honor.

Action Steps: Evaluate your commitment to honesty and integrity. Surround yourself with people who uphold truthfulness. Pray for wisdom and integrity.

Quote for the Day: "Integrity is being the right person; honesty is meaning it; and character is living it out. (Simon Olatunji #quotablequote).

Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank you for sending this word. Please help me uphold integrity and honesty in all areas. Grant me wisdom to recognize deceitful behavior. Empower me to lead with transparency and truthfulness — in Jesus's most glorious name. Amen.


Thank you for being part of this journey. For additional reading on today's meditation, read: Matthew 5:9; 1 Corinthians 1:10-17; Philippians 2:1-4; and Psalm 133:1.

Daily Scripture Threshing is a devotional guide written for free distribution and edification of churches, homes, and individuals. For inquiries, free counseling, or deliverance, please, write or visit: The Darling Bishop, 2321 S Beltline Rd Suite ĺl144 Grand Prairie TX 75051 USA.

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With all my love and prayers,

Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, Ph.D.

Your Darling Bishop (DaBishop)

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