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Writer's pictureDr. Simon Olatunji

Inner Passions at War

Daily Scripture Threshing for Monday, October 14, 2024

Today’s Text: James 4:1-10

Key Verse: James 4:1 (ESV): "What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?"

I know no better scriptural passege that clearly speaks to the cases of conflicts, strife and worldly desires within Christian communities than this text of James. It's original recipient were people of faith that were turn apart by all kinds of tussles amd struggles. These challenges, unfortunately, are still here with us in the church today. They persistently show up in forms of power struggles and leadership conflicts, division and factions, materialism and worldly desires, lack of humility and pride, gossip, slander and judgmentalism.

Apostle James was ine of the renowned disciples of our Lord. He chooses to regard himself as a seevant if God, and if the Lord Jesus Christ quickly points out that the reason we are so turn apart is because of our passions which are at war within us. That is why we have so much church splits and denominational divisions. That is why there is financial mismanagement and corruption within us. What do we not have? We have pastoral scandals, moral failures, congregational conflicts, pulpit bullying, social media-fueled disputes and online harassment.

The apostle is clear that reasons behind these is because we let our adamic nature derail us. We are people of faith; but clearly marked by selfishness, pride and greed, lack of spiritual maturity and discipleship, inadequate leadership, lack of accountability, cultural influences, worldly values, failure to genuinely seek God's mercy and face. Today's text identifies the source of our conflicts — worldly desires. It also identifies what we can do to return and find true harmony —humble yourselves before God (v. 6-7), repent and turn from sin (v. 8-10), and seek wisdom from above (v. 13-17). If we do these things; love, mercy and forgiveness shall return and there will be restoration and revival.

Action Steps: Recognize areas of strife and tension within yourself and your community. Reflect on how personal ambitions and desires may be contributing to conflicts. Pray for discernment to distinguish between godly and worldly motivations. Humble yourself and repent of pride and selfishness. Pursue peace, reconciliation and unity.

Quote for the Day: "The best time to discover what's truly important to people between their human ego or desires and God's divine plan or community good is when conflict ensues. (Simon Olatunji #quotablequote).

Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank you for sending this word. Please reveal to us the roots of conflict within our hearts and community. Help us to expose and expunge our worldly desires driving strives. Give us humility to seek Your wisdom and will. And above all, Lord, let Your peace, which surpasses understanding, guard our hearts and minds — in Jesus's most glorious name. Amen.


Thank you for being part of this journey. For additional reading on today's meditation, read: Matthew 5:9; 1 Corinthians 1:10-17; Philippians 2:1-4; and Psalm 133:1.

Daily Scripture Threshing is a devotional guide written for free distribution and edification of churches, homes, and individuals. For inquiries, free counseling, or deliverance, please, write or visit: The Darling Bishop, 2321 S Beltline Rd Suite ĺl144 Grand Prairie TX 75051 USA.

You can be a part of this great and free course through a one-time or recurring donation. To give through Zelle, using +14073608280 or CashApp: $SimonOlatunji. Thanks and God bless you. Amen.

With all my love and prayers,

Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, Ph.D.

Your Darling Bishop (DaBishop)

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5 days ago

Lord help me in conquering my inner passion when at war and focus more on you.

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