Daily Scripture Threshing for Friday, June 18, 2021
Today’s Text: Luke 17:11-19
Key Verse: Luke 17:17 (CSB): “Then Jesus said, “We’re not ten cleansed? Where are the nine?”

There is always so much to learn from singular spiritual encounter. God never misses a chance of speaking loud and clear to His beloved children. His thoughts towards us are always pregnant with good — one leading to multiple others. Indeed, we have learnt so much from this story. From yesterday’s meditation, we see how God’s blessings flow toward us when we seek to undertake rather than understand His commands, and many other lessons. Today, God wants us to think deeply on another aspect of His blessings. Many times, when we are helped, blessed, healed, saved, delivered, rescued, restored, or we experience one victory or the other; the euphoria of those happy moments often carry us away into (unknowingly) celebrating those blessings rather than the “Blesser” (giver of the blessings). Often, only a handful of us direct the praise to the source of the blessings.
Sometimes, we throw parties and spend so much in hosting guests to fattened meals in the name of thanksgiving: whereas, we fail to give quality offerings. We do not even give a mite of monies spent to showoff to the praise of the Blesser. Sometimes, we stand before people in the name of testimony — but what we do is nothing but referring to how special we are, or how prayerful or spiritual we are to have merit or get such favors, or to be so favored. Who then is praised? Of course, you already know. At other times, we even directly publicly rob God of the praises due Him, which He intends, by no means, to share; and give them to our family, friends, bosses, government, systems, politicians, pastors, prophets and “General Overseers.” O how God always asks: “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine?”! All adoration belongs to God. Only Him should be praised and worshipped. The conclusion of this text (verse 19) indicates that it is only when we return to give God thanks do we truly walk in perfect blessing.
Quote for the Day: “Often, Christians think God does not mean it when He says, “My glory will I share with no man.” Or, we think He simply is not good in sharing: so, we help Him share it among ourselves. And often, we forget to give Him a portion. Or, we think He does not deserve any." (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: Lord, once have thou spoken, and twice have I heard that Your glory: You will share with no man. Help me to always ascribe to you due reference and all glory, in Jesus’s name. Amen.
With all my love and prayers,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, Ph.D.
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop)
[Daily Scripture Threshing is a devotional guide written for free distribution and edification of churches, families, homes, and individuals. If you are blessed by this, you can be a part of it by giving a one-time or recurring donation. To give through Zelle and CashApp, please use or call +1 (407) 360-8280. For inquiries, free spiritual counseling, prayer, or deliverance, please call +1 (469) 332-3443. For instant messaging and WhatsApp, use +1 (817) 822-8441.
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May God give us the grace to know the blessing and appreciate the Blessing Giver