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Updated: 2 hours ago

Daily Scripture Threshing for Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Today’s Text: Joel 2:23-27

Key Verse: Joel 2:25 (ESV): "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you."

This is an unusual Daily Scripture Threshing. It's a new month and the Lord says, restore! This is what the Lord says:

"Draw closer and incline your ears, O people, and I, the Lord, the Almighty, shall unfold my plan. To you who love my name and honor me, I promise a season of renewal and revival. Your hearts shall be refreshed and spirits lifted. The month shall be a month of breakthrough in which long-standing obstacles shall be removed, and new opportunities shall arise.

It shall be marked by financial blessings. I shall meet the needs of the righteous and advance my kingdom through prosperity. But be on your guard because the enemy is tireless in his onslaught to deceive and distract the Church. Stand firm in faith, putting on the full armor of you are given. Enter the tenth month of 2024 with faith and expectation, for it is a season of fulfillment, breakthrough, and unparalleled achievement. I, the Almighty, shall empower you to triumph over adversity, granting divine strength and strategy to overcome obstacles.

I declare your victory over every challenge; freedom from bondage and limitation; success in all endeavors; and protection from evil schemes and demonic attacks. I shall surround you with My love and care, and make your life a living proof of My goodness. Step into the new month, knowing that I, the Lord, am your Rock and Refuge. Your Provider and Protector. Your Savior and King. Walk before Me in faith, and watch Me work wonders in your life.

Thus says the Lord concerning Nigeria: Hear, O Nigeria, and heed my warnings. The further you stray from Me the more you sink in economic turmoil and brew your own financial storm in the midst of surplus. But there is hope for you if you seek My counsel and diversify your economy. Your leaders rejoice and make themselves more powerful because of ongoing political upheaval. Warn them to beware of corruption and division; and serve the people, not personal interests.

Concerning terrorists and kidnappers, I will expose some of them and bring them to justice; though the nation is not ready to address the root causes, and more evil shall alight.

The nation is enveloped in deep spiritual darkness and deception: Nugeria is more plagued by false prophets and teachers that spread lies and confusion than the rest of the world together because you all refuse to discern, cleave to My truth and seek My guidance.

Warn your leaders. Admonish them to serve with fea, integrity, and accountability: for I, the Lord shall fight the cause of My oppressed people and will hold you accountable for your actions.

On this occasion of your independence, seek unity and reconciliation, embrace diversity, forgive past wrongs; and unite as one people. Turn from sin. Seek my face. Cry out to me, seek divine intervention through intercession, and I will hear; and I will heal your land.

But if y'all ignore My warnings, and dusregard my word; you shall face more chaos and destruction, economic collapse, and spiritual darkness.

Tell the nations, I call for repentance, turning from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to me. If your leaders seek truth and pursue justice, I shall rise up in my mercy and guide them by my Spirit to the path of justice and righteousness.

There will be floodings and storm surges, tornadoes, hails and severe weather events in the Southeast and Midwest, but fear not, for I am your Rock and Refuge, your very present help in trouble. But My favor, mercy, and peace shall envelop you and your loved ones, shielding you from harm. Draw near to Me, and I shall draw near to you, guiding and protecting you throughout this month and beyond.

Therefore you should not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, or though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.

This month, I will stir the heart of a remnant, who love my name, to arise at my command and shine my light wherever they go. I will move them to proclaim my Word, and demonstrate my love to the hurting world. In the midst of this great satanuc onslaught against my kingdom, I shall continue to reap unending harvest of souls into my kingdom.

For I am the Lord, your Redeemer, your Maker. The Lord Almighty is my name. I am the Holy One of Israel and God of all the earth.


Thank you for being part of this journey. For additional reading on today's meditation, read: Isaiah 43:19, Psalm 30:5, and Luke 5:4.

Daily Scripture Threshing is a devotional guide written for free distribution and edification of churches, homes, and individuals. For inquiries, free counseling, or deliverance, please, write or visit: The Darling Bishop, 2321 S Beltline Rd Suite 144 Grand Prairie TX 75051 USA.

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With all my love and prayers,

Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, Ph.D.

Your Darling Bishop (DaBishop)

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